Monday, April 21, 2014

Fancies & Favorites

I'm so excited about about the newest section of Wonderstruck Whimsy:

Fancies & Favorites is an on-going series that will feature posts about my favorite things!

From make up to movies,

to stores, places, songs or my many obsessions as a foodie. 

You'll never know what you might read about here! 

I am so giddy to share about the little things in life that I love! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

She Meditates on Truth.

Psst...did you see the post about my new blog name?!?

It's She Shares Truth day! Click here to find more posts from 
She Reads Truth readers. I'll also be posting some of my favorites again! 

The series on Jonah ended last week, and we've moved on to a focus on meditation and confession.
The assignment for the week was to write about Joshua 1:8-9.

I ended up getting a little off the beaten track with this week's assignment, but I'll still talk a little about Joshua 1:8:
There is a particular word that stands out to me in this verse that has been on my mind:


Meditation is one of those words that I feel like you could ask ten different people what it means and get ten different answers. It's a broad term.

So, what does it actually mean to meditate? 

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary (and shared in this She Reads Truth post) it means:
“to engage in contemplation or reflection; to focus one’s thoughts on: reflect on or ponder over”

 Basically, one could mediate on anything, since it essentially means to think very hard about something. 

The kind of meditation I want to do is that which is mentioned in the book of Joshua. Biblical, scriptural meditation. I want to desire to read the Bible with thoughtfulness and linger over God's Word. To meditate on truth alone.

     I have been challenged this week to do just that: to practice meditating on God's Word. 

It does (for me at least) take a whole lot of practice to naturally meditate on scripture. To help, I am trying to start memorizing a new verse each week. This week, I've started with one of my favorite verses in the book of Psalms:

This verse needs to be my prayer each and every morning when I wake up. Oh, what a rich piece of scripture!

Would you like to join me in memorizing Psalm 19:14? Feel free to use the verse picture to save as your phone screen saver! That works as a great reminder for me to practice the verse throughout the day. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why the change in name..?

Before I even re-joined the blogging world, I knew I wanted a change in name. It took me some time to think of one.

 I wanted the title to reflect my two purposes in blogging:

1. To glorify Jesus Christ, and share what I am learning in my relationship with Him.

2. To capture all of the randomness, and fun little memories in my life.

Which is what led me to choose the name:

So how did I land on this name?

One of my favorite lyrics is from the song Revelation Song
"Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your name" 

As I grow in my walk with Christ, I hope that I always find myself  in wonder and awe of The Lord. Hence, Wonderstruck. 

As far was whimsy goes...I like to think I am just a whimsical girl. I love musicals, top hats, floral patterns, polka dots, laughter, and general silliness.
(I also love alliteration)