Monday, April 21, 2014

Fancies & Favorites

I'm so excited about about the newest section of Wonderstruck Whimsy:

Fancies & Favorites is an on-going series that will feature posts about my favorite things!

From make up to movies,

to stores, places, songs or my many obsessions as a foodie. 

You'll never know what you might read about here! 

I am so giddy to share about the little things in life that I love! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

She Meditates on Truth.

Psst...did you see the post about my new blog name?!?

It's She Shares Truth day! Click here to find more posts from 
She Reads Truth readers. I'll also be posting some of my favorites again! 

The series on Jonah ended last week, and we've moved on to a focus on meditation and confession.
The assignment for the week was to write about Joshua 1:8-9.

I ended up getting a little off the beaten track with this week's assignment, but I'll still talk a little about Joshua 1:8:
There is a particular word that stands out to me in this verse that has been on my mind:


Meditation is one of those words that I feel like you could ask ten different people what it means and get ten different answers. It's a broad term.

So, what does it actually mean to meditate? 

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary (and shared in this She Reads Truth post) it means:
“to engage in contemplation or reflection; to focus one’s thoughts on: reflect on or ponder over”

 Basically, one could mediate on anything, since it essentially means to think very hard about something. 

The kind of meditation I want to do is that which is mentioned in the book of Joshua. Biblical, scriptural meditation. I want to desire to read the Bible with thoughtfulness and linger over God's Word. To meditate on truth alone.

     I have been challenged this week to do just that: to practice meditating on God's Word. 

It does (for me at least) take a whole lot of practice to naturally meditate on scripture. To help, I am trying to start memorizing a new verse each week. This week, I've started with one of my favorite verses in the book of Psalms:

This verse needs to be my prayer each and every morning when I wake up. Oh, what a rich piece of scripture!

Would you like to join me in memorizing Psalm 19:14? Feel free to use the verse picture to save as your phone screen saver! That works as a great reminder for me to practice the verse throughout the day. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why the change in name..?

Before I even re-joined the blogging world, I knew I wanted a change in name. It took me some time to think of one.

 I wanted the title to reflect my two purposes in blogging:

1. To glorify Jesus Christ, and share what I am learning in my relationship with Him.

2. To capture all of the randomness, and fun little memories in my life.

Which is what led me to choose the name:

So how did I land on this name?

One of my favorite lyrics is from the song Revelation Song
"Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your name" 

As I grow in my walk with Christ, I hope that I always find myself  in wonder and awe of The Lord. Hence, Wonderstruck. 

As far was whimsy goes...I like to think I am just a whimsical girl. I love musicals, top hats, floral patterns, polka dots, laughter, and general silliness.
(I also love alliteration) 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Oh, Mercy.

Click on the She Shares Truth link to find other great blog posts!
It's Friday once again, which means its 
She Shares Truth day!
I was truly encouraged last week by the She Reads Truth community and cannot wait to learn through the reflections of other posting sisters this week! (I'm planning to share links from some other bloggers this time!)

This weeks challenge from She Reads Truth was to focus on 
Jonah 3 & 4.
(Last week was Jonah 1 & 2...check out my post here)

Let's get started then...

Oh Jonah, I love your story. But, I can't help but getting so frustrated with you each time I study it. Especially in these two chapters. 

Fresh out of the belly of the fish (well, probably not that fresh), Jonah submits to The Lord's command and goes to Nineveh. He called out against the city just as God had told him to do. And the Ninevites did the unthinkable: they repented

I mean, the Ninevites were known to be some of the most brutal, immoral, terrifying people (Hence Jonah saying "heck no" to going there at first). Yet, God was able to change their hearts. From the greatest to the least, everyone repented. This was a huge deal. 

Everyone, including the king, fasted and put on sackcloth to show a tangible repentance for their sin. (Read chapter 3 here

I loved this part of the King's proclamation of Nineveh:

"...Let everyone turn away from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.
Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish."
Jonah 3:8b-9

Notice that the king is not 100% confident that God is going to keep them from perishing because of their repentance. After all, they had already been promised punishment for their sin. But, they chose obedience anyway. 

Oh, what an example to follow. To be obedient, while being so unsure of what would happen to them. 
Would I still choose to be obedient to God, even if I thought I was going to experience His wrath anyway?
Sometimes, I chose to be disobedient even though I know that Jesus has already rescued me from the punishment I deserve. I am just so stunned by their repentant, obedient hearts.     

Thankfully, however, the Ninevites indeed learned that God is a loving and merciful God:

"When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the disaster that he had said he would do to them, and he did not do it."
Jonah 3:10

This was a fantastic day to be from Nineveh! 
They heard the word they were given from The Lord, repented, and worshiped God. He in turn showed them mercy, not giving them what they deserved.  Can you imagine how much rejoicing and worship there must have been?!?

Praise God! This is the same thing that He does for us! We deserve the worst. But those of us who are in Christ receive mercy and grace instead. 

I wish I could say that Jonah was in the middle of the excitement; worshiping with his new brothers and sisters. However, when we reach chapter 4 we see that he is off to the corner, sulking in his anger. 

"But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry."
Jonah 4:1

Jonah was mad that the God who had shown mercy to him, did the same for a group of people that he didn't really like. Jonah goes on to have a bit of a sass mouth (I couldn't think of a more eloquent way to say it) towards God in the next two verses.

Jonah was angry because his own will and desires did not prevail. 
Instead, God's will did.

Jonah would have rather seen the Ninevites suffer for their sin, than repent and receive salvation. Oh, I get so frustrated with Jonah's stubbornness. 

But, I have to stop and think: Do I ever do the same thing that Jonah did? Do I ever find myself having a hissy fit when I things don't go the way that I think that they should? (Hint: the answer is yes.)

It's so easy for me to read these chapters and find myself more focused on Jonah's sin and selfishness than the greater picture it's trying to convey: God's mercy.

Even after Jonah get's angry with God for showing the people of Nineveh for forgiveness, God still continues to show Jonah mercy though he continued in his selfishness. Instead of giving him the punishment he deserves. 

God does the same for me. 
And I am so thankful, and so dependent on that truth. Even when I behave like Jonah He is willing to forgive me. 
I'm thankful that Jesus took the punishment that I deserve, so that I can experience this same mercy that God shows throughout the book of Jonah. 

As I said earlier, I wanted to share some of my favorite blog posts that other She Reads Truth bloggers have written this week!
Here are some great one to check out:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Provow Baby Shower

One of my favorite things to do is to plan parties and showers...

I had the privilege of helping organize a baby shower for a couple that I love more than most people. Two of my best friends, Tyler and Ashley Provow are expecting their baby girl Norah Rae to arrive in April! 
The Provow's. 

I really can't say enough about how much I love them. Since they've been married they have always opened their home to me (sometimes I open it for myself...that's what you get when you tell me where the spare key is), listened to me cry and complain, shared in my joys, have always gone out of their way to help me, and have encouraged me in my walk with Christ. They are way more than friends, they are family. 

In His kindness, The Lord is putting little Norah is in great hands with Tyler and Ashley. I know that they will raise her up teaching her God's Word and it is my prayer that she will except Jesus Christ as her savior at a young age. 

With all of that being said (sorry for talking so much about feelings Tyler and Ash), it was absolutely a joy to be able to help put together this shower for them! 

At the beginning of the year, a few other girls and I started planning and brainstorming for this special occasion. We decided to keep the theme simple. Most of the decorations were things that we already had, and several things were hand made. With the help of several ladies we had a hodge podge of delicious sweets to serve, and punch to go with it. I loved the character that having so many handmade and homemade things brought to the shower. It was all very much made with love. 

I thought I would share some pictures from the shower:

 Tyler made fun of me for wanting to put this bench here, instead of chairs "Like every other shower ever".
I think the bench was secretly his favorite part. 

Most of the hoops were handmade as gifts for Norah by her "Aunt Ashley".

 Just a few of the delicious desserts that were graciously and lovingly made for the shower. 

Norah is already one popular little girl! So many guests came to shower her with lots of love and beautiful gifts. 

"The Wolfpack". (Left to right: Ashley Henson, Sarah, Ashley Provow, myself.)
The four best friends that anyone could have ;)

The Mama-to-be with some of the ladies who helped with the shower
(Left to right: Rebekah, Ema, Sarah, Ashley Provow, Ashley Henson, myself, Wendy)
Erin Provow is missing from this photo but she was also very instrumental in putting this special day together!

I can't wait to meet you, Norah Rae! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The girl who runs.

Don't let the title fool you...

I don't claim to be a, at all. I would rather do any other type of  activity than run. People who like running make no sense to me. 

But, I digress. 
I'll get back to the reason for the title shortly...

For the past several months I have been participating in Bible reading plans from a blog called She Reads Truth (SRT).

The devotionals on SRT are written by Christ-following, Bible-loving women. 
I highly recommend it to any ladies who desire to grasp a deeper understanding of God's Word. 

Right now, I am participating in a Lent study through SRT. 
She Shares Truth is a new part of this study plan is for readers to write and post their own devotional once a week based on an assigned weekly scripture. (Sadly, I have failed to participate in the last two weeks...but I'm trying it out now!)

Which brings me back to my title...
This week's assignment was to write about Jonah 1 & 2. 

I feel like this is one of those stories in the Bible that we hear as kids, but don't really learn it. Or at least that is the case for me. 

The book of Jonah is a story of rebellion, repentance, and forgiveness. And rebellion, repentance, and forgiveness all over again. Which is basically the story of my life. 

Although the focus was supposed to be on the entire first two chapters, I just can't get past how rich Jonah 1:1-3 by itself. Read below:

"Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,
"Arise, go to Ninevah, that great city and call out against it,
for their evil has come up before me." 
But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish.
So he paid the fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD."
Jonah 1:1-3 (ESV)

If you look up a map of Jonah's location, you will realize Tarshish is quite literally the exact opposite of Ninevah. As soon as God told him to go somewhere and risk his own tail, he fled completely. He ran like the wind in the opposite direction. 

It's easy to read this and think about how stupid Jonah was to blatantly disobey God. But then I realize, that this is the condition of my very own heart. 

I too have found myself running in the opposite direction of Christ. 

Before I was saved by Jesus...I ran.
Every time I choose to sin...I'm running. 

God's will for my life is to become more like Jesus Christ.

And so often, I run away by choosing to please myself, instead of submitting to God's will for my life. 

But..Jonah's story continues.
He does repent, and God does forgive (see chapter 2)

And thankfully, when I repent and run towards Christ, He does the same for me. 

And my story continues...