Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The girl who runs.

Don't let the title fool you...

I don't claim to be a, at all. I would rather do any other type of  activity than run. People who like running make no sense to me. 

But, I digress. 
I'll get back to the reason for the title shortly...

For the past several months I have been participating in Bible reading plans from a blog called She Reads Truth (SRT).

The devotionals on SRT are written by Christ-following, Bible-loving women. 
I highly recommend it to any ladies who desire to grasp a deeper understanding of God's Word. 

Right now, I am participating in a Lent study through SRT. 
She Shares Truth is a new part of this study plan is for readers to write and post their own devotional once a week based on an assigned weekly scripture. (Sadly, I have failed to participate in the last two weeks...but I'm trying it out now!)

Which brings me back to my title...
This week's assignment was to write about Jonah 1 & 2. 

I feel like this is one of those stories in the Bible that we hear as kids, but don't really learn it. Or at least that is the case for me. 

The book of Jonah is a story of rebellion, repentance, and forgiveness. And rebellion, repentance, and forgiveness all over again. Which is basically the story of my life. 

Although the focus was supposed to be on the entire first two chapters, I just can't get past how rich Jonah 1:1-3 by itself. Read below:

"Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,
"Arise, go to Ninevah, that great city and call out against it,
for their evil has come up before me." 
But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish.
So he paid the fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD."
Jonah 1:1-3 (ESV)

If you look up a map of Jonah's location, you will realize Tarshish is quite literally the exact opposite of Ninevah. As soon as God told him to go somewhere and risk his own tail, he fled completely. He ran like the wind in the opposite direction. 

It's easy to read this and think about how stupid Jonah was to blatantly disobey God. But then I realize, that this is the condition of my very own heart. 

I too have found myself running in the opposite direction of Christ. 

Before I was saved by Jesus...I ran.
Every time I choose to sin...I'm running. 

God's will for my life is to become more like Jesus Christ.

And so often, I run away by choosing to please myself, instead of submitting to God's will for my life. 

But..Jonah's story continues.
He does repent, and God does forgive (see chapter 2)

And thankfully, when I repent and run towards Christ, He does the same for me. 

And my story continues...


  1. Excellent! His way is the best!

  2. Thanks for your blog I really enjoyed the style of your writing. I think we've all run before but your so right- he runs right back at us like in the story of the prodigal son. Great truth!

  3. SO glad you decided to share this week! Awesome insights and nice intro (I hate running too). :)

  4. I wholeheartedly agree :) His grace is always there even when I try to run away! Thanks for sharing this week :)

  5. I am right there with you! I couldn't get past verse 3 either!!
    Xo, Kristina (SRT sister)

  6. Love it! I do love running too the RIGHT way ;)

  7. Love reading your blog. So down to earth yet inspiring

  8. Thank you all for your encouragement. So thankful for the SRT community.
